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1976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance

1976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #11976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #21976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #31976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #41976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #51976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #61976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #71976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #81976 Democratic Convention Autographed Hat Jimmy Carter Political Campaign Pins Clearance #9
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This 1976 Democratic National Convention hat is from the estate of Beverly Bistline, an Idaho convention delegate and state legislative representative. She collected the 30 political and campaign buttons during the Bicentennial year convention which nominated President Jimmy Carter and his Vice Presidential running mate Walter Mondale. She also collected the autographed signatures of other Idaho delegates and politicians which are written on the hat crown and brim.

The textured Styrofoam hat has a paper hatband advertising the Daily News, New York's Picture Newspaper, which is held in place with an Idaho potato lapel pin. I can't make out all the signatures on the hat, but former Governor Cecil Andrus and Senator Frank Church (who was running for President at the time of the convention) are among them. I would assume most of the autographs are those of other convention delegates.

The 30 pinback buttons range from 7/8" to 3 inches diameter. They include four for Jimmy Carter, all larger sizes, all dated 1976. Three pair Carter with potential Vice Presidents Birch Bayh, Edmund Muskie, and Frank Church, none of whom ended up being Carter's pick, of course. There are two Hubert Humphrey buttons, one each Mondale, Udall, and Jay (not sure who that is), and five Frank Church for President buttons.

The small Nixon Agnew button dates to 1968 and but was found on the hat with the others. I believe the Hubert Humphrey buttons are also from 1968. Other buttons promote Idaho Democrats, educational and teacher themes, women's rights, and various other political causes of the era. There are a couple of great Women's Lib or Feminist type buttons. All are in good to excellent vintage condition with a few having very slight edge wear or tiny pinpoint scratches.

Manufacturer Mid Century American Production
List Price: $110.00
Price: $69.00
66.54 EUR 55.45 GBP 10,594 JPY
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